IMPORTANT:  This support guide applies to Magento 2.0-2.3. If you are using Magento 2.4 and up, please see "resetting your Magento 2.4 Connection" here.

If you're attempting to connect your Magento 2 to your Shiptheory account to send across your shipments, you may see the following error message:

"You did not sign in correctly or your account is temporarily disabled."

If you're receiving this error, there will be a few things to try in order to get this resolved and allow you to send through orders successfully;

  • Ensure the Shiptheory IP addresses are whitelisted in your store, to stop Shiptheory from being blocked. Please see the full list of Shiptheory IPs and Ports here.

  • Make sure that the Shiptheory user in your Magento 2 (by default called "shiptheory_0") is "unlocked". To do this, please see the steps below:

- Access your Magento Root folder via SSH/PUTTY

- From there, run the following command; 

"php bin/magento admin:user:unlock ADMINUSERNAME"

  • Make sure the Shiptheory user in your store (same as above, by default called "shiptheory_0") has admin permissions. To do this, navigate on your Magento 2 store: 

 System ---> All Users ---> shiptheory_0 ---> User Role ---> Set as administrator.

  • If, after trying this, you still are unable to get past this error, we may need to reset the Shiptheory admin user in your Magento 2. For this, please Contact Support and we can assist from there.