Occasionally Shopify might require Shiptheory to use different permissions in its integration as they make updates to their platform. Shiptheory cannot automate this update as it requires the user to provide their login details to Shopify again. The following steps will show you how to refresh your Shopify permissions in Shiptheory.
Navigate to your Shopify integration from the channels list and click "Configure".
On the settings page scroll down until you see the section titled "Your Connection To Shopify". If you see a green tick here, then you're all good. You don't need to take any action.
If you see an orange warning symbol, then you need to update your permissions. To do so click on the orange button labelled "Update Permissions". You will be redirected to Shopify where you will need to log in and accept the new permissions. Once you've done this, you'll be redirected back to Shiptheory where you should now see a green tick on your connection settings.