If you have used your monthly allowance of labels, you can:
1. Upgrade your plan, this is generally the most cost-effective way, and you can easily downgrade next month. To do so, head here: https://helm.shiptheory.com/subscriptions/options and select the desired plan.
1. Upgrade your plan, this is generally the most cost-effective way, and you can easily downgrade next month. To do so, head here: https://helm.shiptheory.com/subscriptions/options and select the desired plan.
2. Purchase a temporary bolt-on, these can be done from here: https://helm.shiptheory.com/subscriptions/options. Bolt-ons will last 30 days, so we recommend only purchasing as much you need to see you through until your plan renews
3. Add a Pay Per Label add-on. For a £10 a month surcharge, we can set you up so that you automatically purchase labels at 5p per shipment, beyond your plan's current allowance. This will be billed at the start of your next subscription payment. This means you won't have to worry about using up your quota each month and have to manually purchase more. To action this, please reach out to support at [email protected].
3. Add a Pay Per Label add-on. For a £10 a month surcharge, we can set you up so that you automatically purchase labels at 5p per shipment, beyond your plan's current allowance. This will be billed at the start of your next subscription payment. This means you won't have to worry about using up your quota each month and have to manually purchase more. To action this, please reach out to support at [email protected].