Currency Conversion on Shiptheory can automatically convert currencies to your preferred selection (which is set within the Carrier settings) at the point of booking with your carrier. At this time only the following carriers are supported:


Canada Post 

Note: These updates will NOT be visible within the UI and will simply be converted at the time of a consignment being booked and a label being returned.

To setup Currency Conversion, first head to the setting on your Shiptheory dashboard here, or navigate to it by following:

Once in the settings page for Currency Conversion, select Add Conversion - from here you will have to define your starting and final currency in which to be converted automatically. For example, if you were to setup a conversion for Euro to GBP, you would set it up similar to the following: 

Once defined, simply press Save. This will then show your new conversion on the Currency Conversion settings page:

All Currency Conversions setup will also work in the other direction so if you select GBP -> EUR then it will also work with EUR -> GBP