When sending shipments to Shiptheory from Magento 2 / Adobe Commerce, you will see that shipments will be received into the system with an overall shipment weight:
However, Shiptheory supports multiple ways of getting a shipment's "total weight" from Magento 2. In order to control this behaviour navigate to your Magento 2 advanced settings in Shiptheory and scroll down until you see the Shipment Weight option. This option will allow you to choose whether you would like to use the total weight of the shipment or total weight of the order or the sum of the shipment's product weights.
If a shipment weight or order weight cannot be found, the shipment weight is calculated from the combined weights of the products in the order in Magento 2.
With this, there are a couple of things to bear in mind:
- Firstly, that you'll want to ensure that your Magento 2 orders contain valid products, and these products have a weight attached to them. If this is not the case, you'll find that Shiptheory has nowhere to pull the weight info from.
- Secondly, if you have additional weights that need to be added to the orders, separate from the products, such as packaging weights, you'll want to see about potentially adding the weight onto the products in Magento 2, or looking to manually add this in the Shiptheory side before booking in.
However, if you feel that this doesn't work for you, and that you need additional weight information to be added by other means, please reach out to Support who can look at potential alternatives down the line.