When shipping internationally, you may need to include commodity information about the products that will be in the Shipment. Shiptheory is able to receive this information from your TradeGecko.

By default, Shiptheory receives any commodity information about a product when it comes into Shiptheory. Each time the product comes into Shiptheory, it will update the current records with any new information it contains.

What Commodity Information is Included?

Shiptheory is sent the information that is available on the product's information page in TradeGecko. The can be found by going to Inventory>Products and then selecting the product. The information on this page is where the commodity information comes from. 

Data we receive includes:
SKU, Product Name/variant name, HS Code, Country of Origin, Price, Weight and Product Description.

Can I View The Commodity Information in Shiptheory?

You are able to view all of the commodity information Shiptheory holds on any products that have been sent via Shiptheory. You can do this by going to the Products Page in Shiptheory. You will need to search the product by its SKU as this is what Shiptheory uses to uniquely identify each product.

Have any questions about this? Our Support Team would be more than happy to give you a hand setting this up?