When an order comes into Shiptheory from TradeGecko, we take the customer information straight from the customer's contact within your TradeGecko account.

To make sure that all the correct fields have been filled in, go to the sale order within your TradeGecko. From their click the 'Ship To' address and then open the popup. This can be seen in the image below.

The window that has now opened is the customer's details. This is the exact place we take the information for the shipment from. You'll want to update the details here to the correct one for the customer. Now click Save.

Once you've saved these changes, go back into Shiptheory and select the order again and click Retry. This will pull through the order again from your TradeGecko containing all the new information you have entered.

Have any questions about doing this? One of our Support Team would be more than happy to help!