If you require more flexibility when creating shipments within Shiptheory and would like to specify the dimensions of the shipment, you can use Package Sizes option in Shiptheory. Following the steps outlined below.

Note: specifying package sizes will only work with carriers in Shiptheory that have this feature available; if you're unsure whether or not you can use this feature for your carriers, feel free to ask the support team.

Booking manually- 

Create a Shipping Rule with a carrier selected but leave the delivery service blank. When orders are downloaded into Shiptheory that match this rule, they will show in the Waiting to Ship tab on the shipment dashboard.

You need to create custom package sizes in your Shiptheory account here

You are now ready to ship. Get some orders downloaded into your Shiptheory account and from the Waiting to Ship tab, select the orders you are ready to dispatch. Click Create Labels from the drop-down menu at the bottom left of the shipments grid.

You will then see a popup window that allows you to set the exact number of each type of pallet along with the weight of each pallet/part pallet, as shown below.

Booking with rules-

You're also able to add these specific package dimensions to your rules, meaning that these will be automatically applied to order booked in. This can be done when editing/creating a shipping rule, if using a carrier that allows for it:

You can then add each package to the rule along with it's weight:

This will then apply and send with orders that match that rule. 

If you need anything else or have a question about this feature that you would like answered, feel free to contact our support team!