Brightpearl deals with the concept of shipments via the use of goods out notes. Shiptheory has the ability to picks up a goods out note at different stages of the process within Brightpearl, the point in which it is picked up is entirely dependant on the settings you have/will specify within your Shiptheory account.
Set up
After signing up with Shiptheory you will be prompted to both select and configure your channel. From this page, you will need to click the Brightpearl option to enable it in your account.
Once enabled, you will be asked to enter a user email address, password and your existing Brightpearl account ID as shown below:
When you have completed the required fields, please use the test connection button to confirm that Shiptheory is able to successfully communicate with your Brightpearl account. Should the connection fail, it is likely that there is an error with the credentials provided.
Should the connection prove successful, a green tick will appear with a message to inform you that everything is as it should be, example below:
In order for Shiptheory to successfully process your orders from Brightpearl, we will also need to know the unit of measurement you use for weight. Please ensure that you select the same unit as the one currently in use within your Brightpearl account.
Finally, you'll find the goods out note setting. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, this is the setting that will dictate when a goods out note within Brightpearl will be picked up and processed within Shiptheory.
Once you have completed all of the required fields and are happy with the information you are about to submit, please hit save. (API permissions must be enabled to allow this connection. A guide on how to do this can be found here.)
You may wish to read about the advanced settings for Brightpearl in Shiptheory, you can do so here. To see how to send test shipments through to Shiptheory from your Brightpearl account, check out our guide here
If you would like to find more information on the use of goods out notes within Brightpearl, please refer to Brightpearl support here.