When shipping internationally, some carriers require product Commodity Code, Manufacturer Country, Description and Composition used during Customs. It is possible to download this additional commodity data to Shiptheory from Adobe Commerce when Shiptheory picks up your orders. 

This information can be added to each product in Magento 2 itself.

Add Product Attributes in Adobe Commerce

From within Adobe Commerce, first navigate to "Stores" and then select "Product":

You'll then want to click "Add New Attribute":

Within this, you'll want to add a name to your attribute, then hit "Save and Continue Edit":

In this image, we're creating the commodity code attribute, the code you use doesn't matter, but make a note of it as we'll be adding it to your Shiptheory account later. 

You now need to assign this attribute to any attribute sets so that you can see this attribute when editing products. Do this by clicking "Attribute Set" in the "Stores" page: 

Then click "Default":

You then need to drag the attribute you've just created into the "General" file:

Make sure to then hit "Save".

You can then repeat the above steps for commodity description and country of manufacturer if you need them.

Update Products

To add attributes such as description and commodity information to your products, you'll first need to navigate to the "Products" page under the "Catalog" section:

You will then see your list of products, you can select the product(s) you wish to change and click the "Actions" dropdown:

In this dropdown, then click "Update attributes":

Within this menu, you will find the options to add a description, country of manufacture and commodity code. After your changes are made, be sure to hit "Save":

Tell Shiptheory About Your Product Attributes

In your Shiptheory account, browse to your settings page. At the bottom left corner of the page is a small cog icon. Click it to expand advanced settings. Here you will find a field for commodity code, description and country of manufacture. Enter the exact attribute code as you created, as below. And save.


That's it. When new orders appear in Shiptheory, product data existing in these fields will be downloaded and used when shipping internationally.

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