If you have changed your Magento URL for any reason, such as progressing from development to production or if you are re-branding, you will need to reset your Shiptheory configuration in Magento so that Shiptheory knows about the change of URL.

To reset your configuration, follow the simple steps below.

  1. Browse to System -> Web Services -> SOAP-XML/RPC Users.

  2. Click on the user named Shiptheory.

  3. Click the red Delete User button.

  4. Browser to System -> Configuration -> Shiptheory Setup.

  5. Make sure your API key matches the key from your Shiptheory account found here.

  6. Click the orange Save Config button.

You should see a green message informing you that your account is now connected. 

Still Having Trouble?

Please get in touch with support, we will be happy to look into this for you.