If you haven't already started entering your dangerous goods information in your product catalogue please follow our dangerous goods guide as a prerequisite before trying to ship dangerous goods with FedEx through Shiptheory. 

Limited Quantities Dangerous Goods

Currently, Shiptheory can only ship limited quantities dangerous goods (LQDG) under the ADR Regulation in select European markets. Please get in touch with your FedEx account manager to find out which markets support LQDG via FedEx. 

In order for Shiptheory to ship via FedEx via LQDG you must first enable the "Dangerous Goods" setting in your FedEx integration settings. Navigate to your FedEx integration settings in Shiptheory and open the advanced settings section at the bottom of the page. Scroll down until you see the "Dangerous Goods" setting and set it to "Enabled". Make sure to save your settings afterwards.

Once this is enabled Shiptheory will mark all packages on a FedEx shipment as LQDG if a product exists on the shipment which is marked as dangerous and falls into the LQDG category. In your product catalogue this would look like: