Country of Manufacture with Royal Mail
When sending shipments internationally with Royal Mail, it's required that you specify commodity information on your products. One of these pieces of information is the Country Of Manufacture for your product(s).
For some more information on Product Commodity information, please see here.
When sending the Country of Manufacture to Royal Mail from Shiptheory, you're able to input a "Default Country of Manufacture ISO":
By default, this option will be used if you send a product internationally that doesn't contain a Country of Manufacture. If your products do contain a Country of Manufacture however, Shiptheory will attempt to use what you've provided on the product instead.
What happens if I supply an Invalid Country of Manufacture on my Product(s)?
Shiptheory will automatically read and validate the Country of Manufacture that you provide to ensure that what is sent to Royal Mail is valid and correct. This ensures that you face no issues at customs! In the event that invalid data is recognised, you're able to choose how Shiptheory should react:
Return an error message: Shiptheory will put the order into your "Failed" tab and throw an error message stating: ""UKL" is not a valid ISO compliant country of manufacture for SKU123. Please ensure that all products included in the shipment have a valid, ISO compliant country of manufacture associated." You can then either edit the data in your channel and hit "retry" or edit the data in your Shiptheory shipment popup.
Leave blank: Rather than provide an invalid value to Royal Mail, Shiptheory will instead leave the field blank when sending the product data to Royal Mail.
Use default: The Default Country of Manufacture ISO that you selected within your Royal Mail settings will be used instead any time that invalid data is provided.
What makes a Country of Manufacture valid?
Shiptheory will accept and send through any Country of Manufacture so long as it is ISO 3166-1 compliant. That includes the following:
- Alpha 2- 2 Digit Alphanumeric codes for a Country. For example; "GB"
- Alpha 3- 3 Digit Alphanumeric codes for a Country. For example; "GBR"
- Numeric- 3 Digit purely numeric codes for a Country. For example; "826"
If you have any questions from there, please Contact Support.