There are two ways to apply filtering to your shipments being downloaded into Shiptheory

New Shipment Date Range

This specify the days in the past should Shiptheory check in Business Central for new Posted Warehouse Shipments.

The number of days entered is inclusive, so "2 days" would check today and yesterday.

Filter Shipments by Shipping Agent Code

If you would like to filter what shipments are imported from your Business Central account by the carrier that you have assigned to it, you can enter the shipping agent code for that carrier here.

Behind the scene, we match the value entered againt shippingAgentCode in the result returned from the Shipment endpoint via ODatav4:

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Company('Demo%20ABC')/shiptheoryWhseShipments",
    "value": [
            "systemIdWhseShipmentHeader": "xxxxxxxx-8506-ed11-82f8-0022480097ae",
            "whseShipmentNo": "WSHIP-000001",
            "status": "Released",
            "shipmentDate": "2019-09-17",
            "shippingAgentCode": "FEDEX",

You can learn more about the shippingAgentCode in Business Central API Guide.