This guide covers the basic troubleshooting steps for when your WooCommerce store isn’t pulling orders into the Shiptheory Dashboard correctly.

1. Make sure the missing orders match your 'Receiving Order Status' in the Shiptheory settings.

Check the missing orders to see if their status matches the one set in your Shiptheory settings. For example, if Shiptheory is set to 'Completed,' the WooCommerce order must also be 'Completed' for it to pull through.

To check the order in WooCommerce, go to WooCommerce > Orders on the left-hand menu. Find the order that didn’t pull through, open it, and confirm that its status matches the Trigger Status in Shiptheory.

2. Check that 'WordPress Cron' is enabled. 

If the order status matches the Trigger Status, go to WooCommerce > Status on the left-hand menu. Look for WordPress Cron—if it's enabled, you’ll see a green checkmark.

If WordPress Cron is not enabled, ask your Web Developer to enable it. Once it's enabled, send a test order to Shiptheory.

3. Make sure the API key and Webhook are set up correctly.

If the order matches the Trigger Status and WordPress Cron is enabled, go to WooCommerce > Settings on the left-hand menu. Then, navigate to Advanced. Check if both the API Key (under REST API) and Webhook (under Webhooks) are set up for Shiptheory.

If there’s no Webhook in the Webhooks panel, Shiptheory won’t automatically receive orders. In this case, the Shiptheory extension must be reinstalled on your WooCommerce store, as the Webhook can’t be manually recreated.

The same applies if you see multiple Webhooks in the panel. Having more than one can cause conflicts in WooCommerce. There should only be 1 API Key and 1 Webhook.

4. Verify that the Webhooks were triggered initially.

If there’s only one API Key and Webhook, the next step is to check if the Webhooks were triggered. Find an order in WooCommerce and check the time when the order was marked with the Trigger Status, like "Processing."

To do this, go to WooCommerce > Orders on the left-hand menu. Open the order, scroll down to the order notes, and note the time when the status was changed to the Trigger Status.

Once you’ve noted the timestamp (e.g., "2:36 pm"), check if the Webhooks were fired to Shiptheory at that time. To do this, go to WooCommerce > Status, then click on Logs. Open the "webhooks-delivery" log that matches the correct date.

Once you're in the Webhook log, press CTRL + F and search for "quark." Then, review the list to see if the Webhook was fired at the time the order hit the Trigger Status (e.g., "2:36 pm").

If you don’t see a Webhook delivery log for that time, it means the Webhook wasn't fired, which is why the order didn’t appear.

To resolve this, contact your Web Developer and ask them to investigate why the Webhook wasn’t fired.

If you have any questions regarding this or anything else, please don't hesitate to get in touch with the Shiptheory support team!