It's easy to connect FedEx with your Shiptheory account. The guide below will detail how and explain the options available to you. 

Add FedEx to your Shiptheory Account

From any page in Shiptheory, click on the "Carriers" icon, and select the "Manage Carriers" option:


On the next page, scroll down until you find the FedEx option, and click on it:

FedEx will be now be activated on your Shiptheory account, and you will be redirected to a page to connect your account.

Connect your FedEx account

Enter your FedEx account number, shipping location address, name and a general description of the goods you will be shipping with FedEx.

The shipping location address will be pre-filled with the shipping location address saved on your Shiptheory account. The address must match the address registered on your FedEx account. If you need to update the address, you can do so here, but note that this will update your Shiptheory shipping location address.

Then, tick the box agreeing to the FedEx end-user licence agreement, and click "Connect Account".

You will be redirected to a page to complete two-factor authentication. You have a couple of options here:

Invoice Validation

Generally, the easiest way is to select "Invoice Validation" from the dropdown, and fill out an invoice number, amount, currency and date, then click next.

PIN Validation by text, email or call.

Select whether you want to receive the PIN by text, email or call, and press "Request PIN":

The Pin will be sent to the Phone number/Email details you have in your FedEx account.

You will then be prompted to add enter the PIN and click "Next".

Contacting FedEx support

The final option is to contact FedEx support, usually if you are unable to validate via the above options. Once FedEx have informed you they have authorised your account, you have 30 minutes to click "Next"

Once you have completed one of these validation options, your FedEx account will be connected!

FedEx Settings

Once you are connected, take the time to check over each of the settings on the FedEx carrier page, ensuring it is configured correctly for your needs. If you have any questions about getting this configured, please get in touch with support.