In the advanced settings of your NetSuite integration page in Shiptheory you will find a section called "Performance Options". Here you can configure how Shiptheory makes requests to NetSuite. 


Running Scripts and Workflows

When making requests to NetSuite Shiptheory can specify that scripts and workflows are not run. by default this is enabled. Disable this option of you have non-mission-critical scripts or workflows running on API calls which are slowing down NetSuite's response times.


By default Shiptheory searches for information about your Inventory items using a basic search. We have found in some circumstances that using NetSuite's "Advanced Search" feature can speed up response times from NetSuite by Shiptheory only requesting the fields it uses. 

The main caveat to using Advanced Search is custom fields. If you use custom field mapping for Items in Shiptheory, then please consult the Requesting Custom Fields section.

Requesting Custom Fields

In order for Shiptheory to pull through your custom fields when using Advanced Item Search you need to tell it which fields to pull through and their type in NetSuite.

To add a new custom field to the advanced search scroll down in the advanced settings until you see the

"Advanced Search Item Custom Fields" section. Here you can add fields by their ID and their type. Not all NetSuite custom field types are supported. 

To find your custom fields and their types in NetSuite navigate to Customization > Lists Records & Fields > Item Fields

Here you will be shown a list of all item fields available to you and their types. Types in the dropdown in Shiptheory will match up to the naming in NetSuite.

Put the value of ID into the "Custom Field ID" text field in Shiptheory and match the type in the dropdown to the type in NetSuite. Specifying the wrong type will result in an error being returned by NetSuite.