By default Shiptheory will not try to send company name in the address data to Evri. In order to do this you must enable an advanced setting in your Evri integration in Shiptheory.
Enabling the setting
Go to your Evri Business Accounts integration and open the advanced settings section.
Scroll down until you see the option "Include Company Name In Address?". Here you can enable and disable the sending of the company name in the data we send to Evri.
How it works
Evri only provide 4 address lines for us to work with. By Default we send address lines to Evri like:
Line 1 Line 2 City County
If the setting is enabled, then if a company name is present in the address data in Shiptheory, we will add it to the first line. This means you will lose County as your 4th line and the address lines will be formatted as:
Company Name Line 1 Line 2 City
If no company name is included in the address data, then the first example applies.
Important: Even though we send the company name as the first line of the address in our request to Evri, the company name may not be on the first line of the label generated by Evri. This is not something Shiptheory can control.