When you first enable Branded Tracking with Parcelforce, you'll see the following message:

After this, there will be a few steps to follow to get you set up and working with Parcelforce Branded Tracking;

- Our Support Team will reach out and provide you a "Public Key" for Parcelforce Tracking, they'll also ask you to contact your Parcelforce Account Manager letting them know that you want to use Parcelforce Tracking.

- Parcelforce will provide you a DEA, which you will need to read and sign on your end.

- You'll then need to provide Parcelforce your Signed DEA and the Public Key

Parcelforce will then provide you a "wirenumber"

- Provide this "wirenumber" back to Shiptheory Support and they'll set you Live!

If you have any questions about this beforehand, please Contact Support.