Connecting your Amazon Seller Central account with Shiptheory's Amazon Buy Shipping integration is quick and easy, no matter if you're a new or existing Shiptheory user.

You can connect from the Amazon Seller Central Partner Network or from your Shiptheory account. Both methods are detailed below.

Connecting from Amazon Seller Central Partner Network

Search the app store for the Shiptheory: Purchase Merchant Shipping app and click Authorise. You will be asked to approve permission for Shiptheory to access some of your account details including customer contact and address details and product information. These details are all required for Shiptheory to book shipments and purchase courier shipping labels on your behalf.

Once approved, if you are a new Shiptheory customer or are not currently logged into your Shiptheory account, you will be asked to log in or register for a new Shiptheory account.

New Shiptheory Customers
Registration is quick and simple, just enter an email address, password and some basic details. Shiptheory offers a free, 14-day trial to our Saturn plan for you to see how everything works!

Once logged in, you will be redirected to the Amazon Buy Shipping settings in Shiptheory ready for you to get started!

Connecting from Shiptheory

Once logged into your Shiptheory account, select Carriers > Manage Carriers from the main site side menu. Click on Amazon Buy Shipping to add the integration to your account and redirect you to the settings page:

Select your Amazon Marketplace and click Connect.

You will be redirected to Amazon Seller Central and asked to approve Shiptheory to access some of your account details including customer contact and address details and product information. These are all required to allow Shiptheory to book shipments and purchase courier shipping labels on your behalf.

Once approved, you will be redirected to the Amazon Buy Shipping settings in Shiptheory ready for you to get started!

Get Started

Once connected you will need to confirm a few default settings for the app:

  • The default currency you use for your orders
  • The default size of your shipment packages, unless specified when booking a shipment
  • Optionally you can also set a default shipment Pick Up or Drop Off option and Delivery Confirmation option

Once complete, click Save.

Should you have any further questions, please get in contact with the Shiptheory support team who will be happy to help!