It is possible to declare that the recipient of the shipment should be responsible for paying for the shipping charges when booking a FedEx shipment. In order to set this, it is required that the recipient has their own FedEx account and you will need to know their account number.

Note: This functionality isn't supported for all FedEx shipment routes, e.g. intra-UK shipments. For more details regarding shipping charges responsibility, please contact your FedEx account manager.

How to set the receiver responsible for shipping charges

  1. Find your shipment in Shiptheory and, from the drop-down menu to the right, select View:

  2. In the shipment pop-up, scroll down to the Delivery Instructions field and, on a new line, enter your shipment's recipient's FedEx account number in the following format:

    recipient_account_number: XXXXXXXXX

  3. Scroll back to the top of the shipment pop-up window and select FedEx from the courier field, your desired shipping service, a format and any enhancements.

  4. Click Create Label to book the shipment.

Should you have any other questions or need any help, just reach out to our support team!