Shiptheory's integration with Peoplevox allows you to override Shiptheory's own mappings of Peoplevox data received when a shipment is sent to it. Currently only mapping data from the Sales Order are supported. This means that you do not need to include "despatchPackage.despatch.salesOrder" in your path. If you wanted to get the value of "" your path to get email would be "email".
For example Shiptheory uses a set path to find a recipient's first name from Peoplevox data. Using native field overrides we can change this path so that the recipient's first name on our Shiptheory shipment is pulled from another data point. In the below example we have specified that we want the value of the receiver's first name on our Shiptheory shipment to be pulled from customer.firstName.
Path Syntax
The gift message path uses dot notation to dictate how to navigate through the JSON data Shiptheory receives from Peoplevox when processing your orders.
For example: customer.reference would extract "123456789." from the order data below:
{ "salesOrderNumber": "SO100", "customer": { "name": "Matt Thomson", "reference": "123456789", "firstName": "Matt", "lastName": "Thomson", "phone": "", "mobile": "", "email": "[email protected]", "creditLimit": "", "paymentTerm": "" } }
Data path testing tool
We have a tool to help you build and test your data path, available here:
Simply copy-and-paste the JSON data from a Peoplevox Shipment into the tool and you will be able to enter and test your data path before saving to your Peoplevox settings.
Example Sales Order JSON
"salesOrder": { "salesOrderNumber": "SO100", "customer": { "name": "Matt Thomson", "reference": "123456789", "firstName": "Matt", "lastName": "Thomson", "phone": "", "mobile": "", "email": "[email protected]", "creditLimit": "", "paymentTerm": "" }, "customerPurchaseOrderReferenceNumber": "205-4102674-3452333", "shippingAddress": { "line1": "119", "line2": "Marylebone Road", "townCity": "London", "region": "", "postCode": "NW1 5PU", "countryName": "United Kingdom", "countryCode": "UK", "companyName": "Descartes" }, "invoiceAddress": { "line1": "119", "line2": "Marylebone Road", "townCity": "London", "region": "", "postCode": "NW1 5PU", "countryName": "United Kingdom", "countryCode": "UK", "companyName": "Descartes" }, "requestedDeliveryDate": "01/01/2018 00:00:00", "shippingCost": "0.00", "email": "[email protected]", "contactName": "Matt Thomson Thomson Thomson", "paymentMethod": "Cash", "totalSale": "0.00", "discount": "0.00", "taxPaid": "0.00", "createdDate": "", "channelName": "My website", "attribute1": "This is a message 11234545464, test test 1.23366/*", "attribute2": "This is another message", "attribute3": 5.5, "attribute4": 200, "attribute5": "", "site": "PrimarySite", "currency": "GBP", "termsOfTrade": "DDP", "customsRegistrationNumber": "EoriNumbersOrSimilar", "iossNumber": "YourIossNumber", "deliveryNotes": "Leave at door, for example", "contentsType": "Merchandise, for example" }