You can create mapping to map Peoplevox Sales Order or Item attribute fields to Shipment information like Shipment Detail, Receive Address and Products information.

There are two different sources of data to map from: Sales Order and Item. The below table summaized the available mapping options:

FromAvailable FieldsTo
Sales OrderAttribute 1 to 5Shipment Detail Fields
Weight, Parcel, Currency Code, Value, Instruction, Ship Date, Delivery Date, Gift Message, Channel Reference ID 3, Shipping Price,

Receive Address Fields
First Name, Last Name, Company, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3, City, County, Country, Post Code, Telephone, Fax, Mobile, Email, Tax Number
ItemAttribute 1 to 15Product Fields

Skus, Name, Variant Name, Quantity, Value, Weight, Width, Length, Height, Commodity Code, Commodity Description, Commodity Manufacture Country, Commodity Composition, Barcode, Note, Channel Internal ID, Line Number, Customisation

You will need to enter attribute information in Peoplevox first.

To enter Item Attribute Information in Peoplevox

On the top menu, in Items page, select an item, and click View

In the pop up window, click Attibutes then Edit:

Enter the values and click Save

To enter Sales Order Attribute Information in Peoplevox

On the top menu, in Sales page, select a sale order, and click View.

In the pop up window, on the bottom click Edit. Enter values in attrbutes and click Save

After you finish entering those attibute information into Peoplevox, login to Shiptheory and follow the step below

Step to create attribute field mapping

1. On the right, click Channels, then locate your Peoplevox integration

2. Click Advanced Settings to unhold the options

3. Under Advanced Settings, you can find ATTRIBUTE FIELDS MAPPING. An example was given below:

Click on the + button to add new mapping, click - button to delete. Choose carefully the source, attribute field, and Shipment Property in Shiptheory you want to map to. When you done, scroll up and click Save.