When using Shiptheory, you may use your channel to pass a "Ship Date" or "Dispatch Date" to Shiptheory. It's possible to display this information on the Shiptheory dashboard and setup views to make it easier to see when something should be shipped.
Viewing the Ship Date in the Dashboard
When you are setting up your dashboard "columns", you can select the "Shipping Date" to display on here:
This will then display on your dashboard as such:
Viewing shipments in a specific Shipping Date range
It's also possible to view shipments that are set to ship in a specific time period. To do this, scroll down your Dashboard Tab setup to find "Ship Date":
If you change this to "Filter by Shipping Date", you can then narrow down the shipments in this view

This will then only show shipments that have a shipping date within that range. This could be useful if you're wanting to only view shipments set to ship today or this week.
It's important to note that only some channels support sending the ship date to Shiptheory. These channels being:
Magento 2
If you have any additional channels you'd like to send the ship date from, or if you have any questions or issues here, please feel free to Contact Support.