Shiptheory's integration with NetSuite allows you to override Shiptheory's own mappings of NetSuite data downloaded when pulling in an Item Fulfillment. Currently only mapping data from the Item Fulfillment and Sales Order are supported.
For example Shiptheory uses a set path to find a recipient's first name from NetSuite data. Using native field overrides we can change this path so that the recipient's first name on our Shiptheory shipment is pulled from another data point. In the below example we have specified that we want the value of the receiver's first name on our Shiptheory shipment to be pulled from and we want the value of the receiver's last name to be pulled from
Path Syntax
The gift message path uses dot notation to dictate how to navigate through the JSON data Shiptheory downloads from NetSuite when processing your Item Fulfillments.
For example: would extract "_unitedStates." from the order data below:
{ "createdDate": "2023-08-04T02:28:10.000-07:00", "lastModifiedDate": "2023-08-04T02:28:48.000-07:00", "shippingAddress": { "internalId": null, "country": "_unitedStates", "attention": null, "addressee": "Aaron Abbott", "addrPhone": "(303) 464-4122", "addr1": "1500 Broadway", "addr2": null, "addr3": null, "city": "Denver", "state": "CO", "zip": "80202", "addrText": "Aaron Abbott\n1500 Broadway\nDenver CO 80202\nUnited States", "override": false, "customFieldList": null, "nullFieldList": null } }
Data path testing tool
We have a tool to help you build and test your data path, available here:
Simply copy-and-paste the JSON data from a NetSuite Shipment into the tool and you will be able to enter and test your data path before saving to your NetSuite settings.
The examples below will show the structure of the data we receive from NetSuite. You can use the examples and the data path tool to check and generate your paths. If you wish data from your own shipments, then contact our support team and they will assist you in retrieving it.
Example Item Fulfillment JSON
{ "createdDate": "2023-08-04T02:28:10.000-07:00", "lastModifiedDate": "2023-08-04T02:28:48.000-07:00", "customForm": { "internalId": "148", "externalId": null, "type": null, "name": "HM Item Fulfillment" }, "postingPeriod": null, "entity": { "internalId": "1542", "externalId": null, "type": null, "name": "Aaron Abbott" }, "createdFrom": { "internalId": "11868", "externalId": null, "type": null, "name": "Sales Order #SLS00000629" }, "requestedBy": null, "createdFromShipGroup": 1, "partner": null, "shippingAddress": { "internalId": null, "country": "_unitedStates", "attention": null, "addressee": "Aaron Abbott", "addrPhone": "(303) 464-4122", "addr1": "1500 Broadway", "addr2": null, "addr3": null, "city": "Denver", "state": "CO", "zip": "80202", "addrText": "Aaron Abbott\n1500 Broadway\nDenver CO 80202\nUnited States", "override": false, "customFieldList": null, "nullFieldList": null }, "pickedDate": null, "packedDate": null, "shippedDate": null, "shipIsResidential": false, "shipAddressList": { "internalId": "244955", "externalId": null, "type": null, "name": "1500 Broadway" }, "shipStatus": "_shipped", "saturdayDeliveryUps": null, "sendShipNotifyEmailUps": null, "sendBackupEmailUps": null, "shipNotifyEmailAddressUps": null, "shipNotifyEmailAddress2Ups": null, "backupEmailAddressUps": null, "shipNotifyEmailMessageUps": null, "thirdPartyAcctUps": null, "thirdPartyZipcodeUps": null, "thirdPartyCountryUps": null, "thirdPartyTypeUps": null, "partiesToTransactionUps": null, "exportTypeUps": null, "methodOfTransportUps": null, "carrierIdUps": null, "entryNumberUps": null, "inbondCodeUps": null, "isRoutedExportTransactionUps": null, "licenseNumberUps": null, "licenseDateUps": null, "licenseExceptionUps": null, "eccNumberUps": null, "recipientTaxIdUps": null, "blanketStartDateUps": null, "blanketEndDateUps": null, "shipmentWeightUps": null, "saturdayDeliveryFedEx": null, "saturdayPickupFedex": null, "sendShipNotifyEmailFedEx": null, "sendBackupEmailFedEx": null, "signatureHomeDeliveryFedEx": null, "shipNotifyEmailAddressFedEx": null, "backupEmailAddressFedEx": null, "shipDateFedEx": null, "homeDeliveryTypeFedEx": null, "homeDeliveryDateFedEx": null, "bookingConfirmationNumFedEx": null, "intlExemptionNumFedEx": null, "b13aFilingOptionFedEx": null, "b13aStatementDataFedEx": null, "thirdPartyAcctFedEx": null, "thirdPartyCountryFedEx": null, "thirdPartyTypeFedEx": null, "shipmentWeightFedEx": null, "termsOfSaleFedEx": null, "termsFreightChargeFedEx": null, "termsInsuranceChargeFedEx": null, "insideDeliveryFedEx": null, "insidePickupFedEx": null, "ancillaryEndorsementFedEx": null, "holdAtLocationFedEx": null, "halPhoneFedEx": null, "halAddr1FedEx": null, "halAddr2FedEx": null, "halAddr3FedEx": null, "halCityFedEx": null, "halZipFedEx": null, "halStateFedEx": null, "halCountryFedEx": null, "hazmatTypeFedEx": null, "accessibilityTypeFedEx": null, "isCargoAircraftOnlyFedEx": null, "tranDate": "2023-08-04T00:00:00.000-07:00", "tranId": "SHI00000411", "shipMethod": null, "generateIntegratedShipperLabel": null, "shippingCost": null, "handlingCost": 0, "memo": null, "transferLocation": null, "packageList": { "package": [ { "packageWeight": 1, "packageDescr": "Shiptheory Shipment: 11869 - SHI00000411", "packageTrackingNumber": "11869" }, { "packageWeight": 1, "packageDescr": "Shiptheory Shipment: 11869 - SHI00000411", "packageTrackingNumber": "11869" } ], "replaceAll": true }, "packageUpsList": null, "packageUspsList": null, "packageFedExList": null, "itemList": { "item": [ { "jobName": null, "itemReceive": true, "itemName": "ACC00003", "description": "Merlin display phone for support calls", "department": null, "class": null, "location": { "internalId": "2", "externalId": null, "type": null, "name": "01: San Francisco" }, "onHand": 41, "quantity": 1, "unitsDisplay": null, "createPo": null, "inventoryDetail": null, "binNumbers": null, "serialNumbers": null, "poNum": null, "item": { "internalId": "502", "externalId": null, "type": null, "name": "ACC00003" }, "orderLine": 1, "quantityRemaining": 1, "options": null, "shipGroup": null, "itemIsFulfilled": null, "shipAddress": null, "shipMethod": null, "customFieldList": null }, { "jobName": null, "itemReceive": true, "itemName": "ACC00002", "description": "Digital Single Line Telephone ( 4400) for support calls", "department": null, "class": null, "location": { "internalId": "2", "externalId": null, "type": null, "name": "01: San Francisco" }, "onHand": 56, "quantity": 1, "unitsDisplay": "Ea", "createPo": null, "inventoryDetail": null, "binNumbers": null, "serialNumbers": null, "poNum": null, "item": { "internalId": "501", "externalId": null, "type": null, "name": "ACC00002" }, "orderLine": 2, "quantityRemaining": 1, "options": null, "shipGroup": null, "itemIsFulfilled": null, "shipAddress": null, "shipMethod": null, "customFieldList": null } ], "replaceAll": true }, "accountingBookDetailList": null, "customFieldList": { "customField": [ { "value": false, "internalId": "4648", "scriptId": "custbody_sent_to_shiptheory" } ] }, "internalId": "11869", "externalId": null, "nullFieldList": null }
Example Sales Order JSON
{ "createdDate": "2023-08-04T02:27:28.000-07:00", "customForm": null, "entity": { "internalId": "1542", "externalId": null, "type": null, "name": "Aaron Abbott" }, "job": null, "currency": { "internalId": "1", "externalId": null, "type": null, "name": "USA" }, "drAccount": null, "fxAccount": null, "tranDate": "2023-08-04T00:00:00.000-07:00", "tranId": "SLS00000629", "entityTaxRegNum": null, "source": null, "createdFrom": null, "orderStatus": null, "nextBill": "2023-08-04T00:00:00.000-07:00", "opportunity": null, "salesRep": { "internalId": "1008", "externalId": null, "type": null, "name": "Mary Redding" }, "contribPct": null, "partner": null, "salesGroup": null, "syncSalesTeams": null, "leadSource": null, "startDate": null, "endDate": null, "otherRefNum": null, "memo": null, "salesEffectiveDate": null, "excludeCommission": null, "totalCostEstimate": null, "estGrossProfit": null, "estGrossProfitPercent": null, "exchangeRate": 1, "promoCode": null, "currencyName": "USA", "discountItem": null, "discountRate": null, "isTaxable": null, "taxItem": null, "taxRate": null, "toBePrinted": false, "toBeEmailed": false, "email": "[email protected]", "toBeFaxed": false, "fax": null, "messageSel": null, "message": "The author and publisher disclaim any warranties (express or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided \u201cas is\u201d, and without warranties.", "paymentOption": null, "inputAuthCode": null, "inputReferenceCode": null, "checkNumber": null, "paymentCardCsc": null, "paymentProcessingProfile": null, "handlingMode": null, "outputAuthCode": null, "outputReferenceCode": null, "paymentOperation": null, "dynamicDescriptor": null, "billingAddress": { "internalId": null, "country": "_unitedStates", "attention": null, "addressee": "Aaron Abbott", "addrPhone": "(303) 464-4122", "addr1": "1500 Broadway", "addr2": null, "addr3": null, "city": "Denver", "state": "CO", "zip": "80202", "addrText": "Aaron Abbott\n1500 Broadway\nDenver CO 80202\nUnited States", "override": false, "customFieldList": null, "nullFieldList": null }, "billAddressList": null, 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