When shipping with CSM Logistics, it is possible that the following errors can occur:

CSM rejected this order. Shipping Error : Server returned an invalid SOAP Fault. Please see InnerException for more details..


String could not be parsed as XML

The cause of this SOAP fault/XML issue being returned can be directly linked to the order information specified by the customer. Alphanumeric characters are the only characters supported by the CSM Logstics API where we book your orders, and as such if other characters such as apostrophes ('), hyphens (-) or plus symbols (+) are located anywhere within the shipment details, this error may be returned

To rectify the above issue, head into the order details of the affected consignment on Shiptheory and ensure that all non-alphanumeric characters are removed / replaced. Once done, attempt to re-book the consignment.

Please note that shipment sender information must also not contain any non-alphanumeric characters, such as the sender's name, address etc. To check your sender's address please click here.   

If the issue persists after correcting all of the order information, please reach out to the support team here - we can then take a further look and contact CSM on your behalf if needed.