If you get the following error in your Shipments, "DPD Validation Error (1036) HS code is invalid", this means that one of your HS codes for international shipping is invalid.
An important step for resolving this error is going through each of the HS codes that are present in your Shipment and checking that they are all valid.
To do this, head to the order that failed then click on the drop down box and click on "View"
Once this is done, scroll down until you find the Shipment Products section, click on the + symbol on the left side of the product skus and scroll down to find the HS codes for each product.
Then copy and paste the HS codes into the UK Governments HS Code Checker to check whether the codes are valid or not.
If the codes appear as invalid, please double check your HS codes to ensure that they are correct and if they are not correct, please update the HS codes to ensure that they are valid, then retry the shipment
If the HS codes are valid on the UK governments tool and you are still receiving this error, please contact support and we will be happy to assist you further with this.