To connect Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with Shiptheory, you will need the following:

  • Tenant ID
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Company ID

You will need to log in to the Active Directory in your Azure portal to obtain them.

To Find your Tenant ID, Client ID and Secret

First, you need to connect to the Azure Portal.

Go to Azure Active Directory, on the left, under Manage, click App registrations:

Look for the Application created for Shiptheory, e.g. Shiptheory API Access and click on it to open it.

On this page, you can find the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID:

Click the secret above to reveal the Client Secret. Please note you cannot copy an existing client secret value from here. You can only obtain the secret value when it was created. 

To Find your Company ID

Log in to your Business Central and in the top-right-hand corner click the following link to find your Company ID. In the image below, the Company ID is "Demo - CC"

Connecting to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Please read the following guide to set the Advanced Settings explained in detail here