When trying to book in shipments using Road service to Northern Ireland or ROI (Republic of Ireland) you may encounter the below error message 

If you do you will want to check the post code for the shipment of which you are sending. To be able to access the order page you will need to click on the action button next to your order > Expand Details > Postcode 

If the postcode has RD at the start and the service you have selected is Road delivery then this will fail. This is due to a limitation within the APC API which means that you will be unable to book these through Shiptheory, you can however use Air services to Northern Ireland or ROI if you have these enabled on your account. Alternatively APC have advised that all orders are booked through their portal which can be found here.

If the postcode is not RD and failing or you have any other queries and questions please get in touch with our support team here so that they can assist!