To ensure international shipments have the correct customs information for Canada Post you will need to add a currency conversion rate from Canadian Dollars (CAD) into any other currency you trade in (or for countries you ship to).

To add a new currency conversion rate open the advanced settings on your Canada Post integration page and click the link. Alternatively you can visit the currencies page

From the currency page you can view, edit and delete any currency conversion rates for your company. You need only add one conversion rate per pair of currencies and Shiptheory will use this to calculate the reverse conversion rate for inclusion on customs information.  

For example: If you add a conversion rate from Canadian Dollars (CAD) to Great British Pound (GBP) of 0.58 then Shiptheory will calculate the reverse for a shipment going from GBP to CAD with a rate of 1.73 (rounded to two decimal places).

To add a new currency conversion click "add conversion". Then select the currency you wish to convert from and the currency you wish to convert to and add the rate. 

When  you are done click save and the new rate will appear in the table above.