Within your Brightpearl store, Goods Out Notes (GONs) can be automatically marked as shipped once they have been booked in through Shiptheory, to do this you'll need to enable an option within the Brightpearl integration settings in your Shiptheory account.
Firstly, navigate to your Brightpearl connection via the Manage Channels option on your Shiptheory dashboard and access the advanced settings in the bottom left of the page.
Further down the page within the advanced settings, you will find the option for Shiptheory to mark goods out notes as shipped when complete. Change this to 'yes' in order to switch on this feature.
Once this has been activated, when the order is completed within Shiptheory, the goods out note within Brightpearl will be marked as shipped.
If you have any issues or questions, please feel free to Contact Support.