Connecting your UPS account with Shiptheory is easy and will allow you to start booking your orders in instantly.
1. Enable UPS within your account:
The first thing you'll need to do is select UPS as a carrier you'd like to use. To do this, you will want to go to the carrier's page within your account. From this page, scroll down until you see the UPS option and click to enable it within your account. It shouldn't be too far down, the list is in alphabetical order.
2. Enter your UPS account details:
Once enabled, you will be taken to the UPS settings page. This is where you will enter your UPS details to connect the account to Shiptheory.
The details you will need can be seen below:
- UPS API Username & Password - These will be the same username and password that you use to login to your UPS account online.
- Account or Shipper Number - Your UPS account/shipper number. It should be a mixture of 6 characters and numbers.
- UPS License - This is your XML license key from UPS
- Currency - This is the currency you operate in. This should be the currency for your shipper address.
- Shipment Description - A general description of what you ship, eg. 'Electrical Goods'
- Shipper Address and Contact Info - This should be the address you ship from for your UPS account
- Units of Measure - Do you use Kilograms and Centimetres (kg & cm) or Pounds and Inches (lb & in)?
- Dimensions of your Packages - UPS like to know the size of your packages. Please specify the most common package size you use in the unit selected above
These details can all be found within your UPS account, or by contacting your UPS account manager.
3. Test the connection:
After entering your UPS details, you can test the connection. To do this, scroll down and click the Test Connection button. If you get a green tick, as shown below, you're all set to go! Just hit Save and UPS is successfully connected!

Test connection failing? The first thing to do is to double-check the details you've entered are correct. If they are, reach out to our Support Team, who will be able to assist you in finishing your setup.
4. Configure the advanced settings:
You will also want to quickly take a look through the advanced settings available for UPS. To access these settings, click the Advanced Settings option at the very bottom of the UPS settings page (as seen above).
This will expand the page to reveal further settings available with UPS through Shiptheory. These settings are not required to use UPS with Shiptheory so you may not need to edit any of them.
Need Help?
If you are having trouble setting up your DHL connection, please get in touch. We are happy to help.