Shiptheory communicates with Parcel2Go via their API. In order for Shiptheory to be able to book shipments in your Parcel2Go account, it will need an API Key and Secret. These can be generated on the Parcel2Go website.
1. Login to your Parcel2Go account.
If you don't already have a Parcel2Go account, please create one here.
2. Generate an API Key and secret.
From the main menu, under settings, select API Keys.
Once the page has loaded, select Create new credentials.
Select Client Credentials, enter the application names, URL and your own secure API Secret. Note: You will need to remember the value you have entered for the secret as you will not be able to retrieve it again.
Once you have saved the form, you will be generated a new API Secret which you can use to allow Shiptheory to access you Parcel2Go account and book shipments.
3. Setup Shiptheory carrier settings.
When you are ready to setup Parcel2Go as a carrier in your Shiptheory account, login, select manage carriers and find Parcel2Go in the list of carriers and click add.
The you will need to enter the API Key and Secret, as well as setting up some basic settings such as a description of the goods you will be shipping and the reason for export. This information is used for any export shipments you might do.
4. Test your connection.
Once you have entered your credentials, you will need to test your connection to Parcel2Go to make sure everything is OK. Hopefully, everything will be working correctly, but if not, please go through the steps above and make sure you have entered the API Key correctly and remembered the secret you entered.