For some shipment destination countries and selected shipping services, may require a recipient EORI or VAT number to be provided. 

If you receive this error message when trying to book a shipment, you have a few options available.

  • Is your shipment recipient a business?
    If not, an EORI or VAT number might not be required. If your shipment's receiver address contains a Company name, either remove it or move it into the address lines and try booking the shipment again.

  • Check with your DPD account manager that you're using the correct shipping method. offer both B2B and B2C shipping methods. If you're using a B2B (Business to Business) shipping method for a B2C (Business to Customer / Personal) shipment, an EORI or VAT number will be required. Ask your account manager for the most appropriate B2C shipping method to use.

  • Provide a receiver EORI or VAT number.
    Shiptheory supports receiving recipient tax numbers via the API, CSV import and from some sales channels. If your sales channel supports specifying a VAT or EORI number for your customers, contact the Shiptheory support team to see if passing these details to Shiptheory is supported.

If you have any further questions or need any other help, please reach out to the Shiptheory support team who will be happy to help.