NOTE: If no orders are coming through from your Brgithpearl into Shiptheory, you may need to configure at which point Shiptheory receives orders. You can read more about these settings on this guide.
For a product/order to be sent through into Shiptheory, it needs to have been fulfilled in Brightpearl, this then creates a Goods Out Note for it. From your Brightpearl Settings, you are able to choose at which stage a Goods Out Note is sent through into Shiptheory.
In Brightpearl, a product can only be marked as fulfilled if it is stock tracked. This means that only products that have their stock tracked within Brightpearl are able to be sent through to Shiptheory, as they are the only ones that can have a Goods Out Note created for them.
How can I see if my product/order is stock tracked?
When viewing an order within Brightpearl, you can see if a product is stock tracked. In the below image, the top product is not stock tracked, whereas the bottom product is.
For this specific example, a Goods Out Note was only created for the bottom product.
When trying to fulfill the order in Brightpearl, it presents the error below. This means that all the items in the order that are stock tracked have been fulfilled.
Have any questions about bringing these orders through into Shiptheory? One of our Support Team would be happy to give you a hand!