When using Shiptheory Shipping Rules, you can automatically book orders in using eBay's Shipping Method. A Shipping Method comes directly from your eBay store, and can be directly selected by you or the customer as to which type of shipping they would like.  More about Shipping Methods and how they can be used in Shiptheory can be found on this guide.

How do I setup a Shipping Method in eBay?

Within your eBay store, you can setup a Shipping Method on each order. This then lets the customer know what the shipping option(s) is for this order. 

To add a Shipping Method to a listing on eBay, you first must go to the listing's page within eBay. On this page, you will need to select the Revise your item option. This will allow you to make changes to the listing, including its shipping options.

On the next page, you will want to scroll down until you find the Delivery details sections. This category will allow you to change the shipping options for the listing.

Within the Postage Policy subheading, you will have the option to Edit. You will want to click this option to make any changes.

Within this pop-up window, you can change the options for shipping. You can set a flat rate to be applied to all buyers, but you can also have it dynamically change depending on the buyer's location. In the image below, we are using a flat rate for all buyers.

Once saved, each time an order comes through into Shiptheory you will be able to see exactly which Shipping Method was selected by the customer. This is done by selecting View on the order from your Shiptheory Dashboard.

More on how you can view an order's details, including its Shipping Method, can be found of this guide here.

Have any questions about this? One of our Support Team would be happy to give you a hand!