When booking shipments with APC, you can select whether to use the collection address (shipper's address) data from each of your shipments in your bookings or to use the default collection address set in your APC account.

If you only ship from one location, it is simplest to set this address as your collection address in your APC account and set this option in your Shiptheory APC settings to use your APC Account Address.

However, if you ship from multiple locations or need to use an address other than that set in your APC account, then you can set Shiptheory to use the collection addresses from your shipment information.

Important: If you select Shiptheory to use the shipment addresses and you book a shipment to be collected from the same address as is set in your APC account, the collection address set in the shipment must match the address set in your APC account exactly, else your shipment might be booked in as a "3rd Party Collection". This could impact your delivery time and incur additional costs.

Set your Shipment Collection Address

From any page in Shiptheory, click on your username in the top-right blue menu and select APC from the drop-down menu. On the settings page, at the bottom-left of the page, click the grey Advanced Settings icon.

Under the option Shipment Collection Address, select -

  • APC Account Address to ignore the sender's address in your shipment data and only use the address saved in your APC account
  • Use Shipments' Collection Addresses to send the sender address in your shipment data to use as the collection address. If you use multiple warehouses or need to ship from an address other than that set in your APC account, you will need to select this option.