Booking an International Trade in Arms Regulations (ITAR) shipment with FedEx is easy with Shiptheory.

All ITAR shipments require a Licence or Exemption number to be added to your shipment's Delivery Instructions in the following format:

itarlicencenumber: XXXXXXXX

This information can be added to any existing shipment delivery instructions. Existing instructions will be preserved and these details will be removed on processing the FedEx shipment.

You can add the ITAR Licence or Exemption number to your shipment's delivery instructions in it's original channel, e.g. Brightpearl, Shopify, or TradeGecko, or follow the steps below or add them to an existing Shiptheory shipment.

How to add an ITAR Licence or Exemption Number to an existing Shiptheory shipment

  1. Find your shipment in Shiptheory and, from the drop-down menu to the right, select View:

  2. In the shipment pop-up, scroll down to the Delivery Instructions field and enter your ITAR licence or exemption number as per the instructions above:

  3. Scroll back to the top of the shipment pop-up window and select FedEx from the courier field, International Priority or International Priority Freight service, a format and International Trade in Arms Regulation from Enhancements.

  4. Click Create Label to book the shipment.