As of January 1st, 2019, Shiptheory no longer supports ChannelGrabber. If you have an active connection to ChannelGrabber from Shiptheory before this date, your integration will continue to be supported, however, only security updates will be provided. No additional functionality or non-security bug fixes will be applied.
Why is ChannelGrabber no longer supported?
ChannelGrabber partnered with Shiptheory to allow users to ship automatically while ChannelGrabber developed their own in-house shipping solution. That in-house solution was made available towards the end of 2018 and Shiptheory has since withdrawn support, allowing for a migration period to minimise disruption to our mutual customers.
What about shipping integrations ChannelGrabber does not have?
As of January 2019, Shiptheory integrates 30 of the world most popular shipping carriers, and that number grows every month. These include Royal Mail, DHL, FedEx, Tuffnells, p2p, Parcelforce, DPD and more. Some of the carriers supported by Shiptheory are not available in ChannelGrabber at the time of writing this document. For those carriers unsupported by ChannelGrabber, you may need to develop your own solution.
Can I still use the Shiptheory API with ChannelGrabber?
There is no reason you can't develop your own integrations using the Shiptheory API with your ChannelGrabber account, or any other ERP/Order Management software. More information on the Shiptheory developer API is available here.
Can I talk to someone about this?
Of course! At Shiptheory we pride ourselves on our dedicated to customer satisfaction. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to support, we're always happy to talk through ideas or concerns.