Sending Shipments with Cin7 and Shiptheory

In Cin7 from the menu, navigate to Integrations > Shiptheory

You should see a page like this:

However, if you see a page with a blue box and 'Failed to authenticate' message, click the 'setup' text to take you to the authentication screen.

Any orders in Cin7 that are marked as Fully Picked, have an ETD and don't have a tracking code already will be available to be sent to Shiptheory from Cin7.

You'll see them in Integrations > Shiptheory like shown below:

Here you can select one, many or all the orders below, and then click, submit.

The shipment(s) will be processed in Shiptheory.  Any that match rules will print labels and send tracking numbers back, whilst the ones that matched no shipping rules, will return as ignored (as shown below).

You may want to check out the following guides:

- Shipping Rules

- Shiptheory Statuses

- Getting Cin7 Connected to Shiptheory

- How to enable weights in Cin7