You may have noticed that TNT lists a number of different formats when you are setting your shipment rules or manually creating a shipment. What is "Pallet 1", "Pallet 2", "Parcel 1", ... ? What do they mean?
In short, your TNT integration in Shiptheory lets you set up to 5 sets of parcel and pallet dimensions you can use when booking in a Parcel or Pallet shipment. When you book your shipment, select one of the formats and Shiptheory will book a Parcel or Pallet shipment and send TNT that set of package dimensions.
If a format is not selected, a Parcel shipment will be booked with the dimensions set under Parcel 1 (explained below). If no dimensions have been set, the minimum dimensions accepted by TNT will be used (0.1×0.1×0.1 m).
How to set your Format dimensions
In your Shiptheory TNT courier settings, click the grey Advanced Settings icon in the bottom-left to expand the page and scroll down to the Parcel Dimensions and Pallet Dimensions settings:
Set the Width, Height and Length for each Parcel and Pallet set, in metres (m) and click Save.
When setting shipping rules or booking shipments, simply select the corresponding set of dimensions from the Format menu (shown above) and they will be used when sending the request to TNT.
If a format is selected that does not have any dimensions set for it, the minimum dimensions accepted by TNT will be used (0.1×0.1×0.1 m).
If you have any further questions about this or anything else, please get in touch with the Shiptheory support team who will be happy to help.