If you have automatic printing enabled, check you have printers set for carrier you're expecting the labels to be printed for here.

If you have your printers set, you should see a note when you view a shipment in Shiptheory.  Find the shipment from the shipments list, select view, and scroll down to the Shipment History section.

If you see something similar to print job created with an id, the label was sent to your nominated printer.

If nothing has come out of your printer check your printer queue: 

(In Windows) Open Printers by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Hardware and Sound, and then clicking Printers. To open the print queue, double-click the printer that you're using.

If you see an item there then the label has been sent to your printer but has not yet printed out.

Check the status of your printer, make sure it is not offline (ie is powered on and plugged in to the computer that you have the Shiptheory print client installed.

You must also check your anti-virus/firewall software if it's not blocking the printer app.

Don't see anything in your print queue?

- Check the printer you have selected in Shiptheory's configuration has the Shiptheory print client running on it.

- Check the printer has the correct drivers installed and can print PDFs from windows.


At present, if an automatic print fails for any reason such as the printer being disabled, there is no way to re-queue it for printing from Shiptheory. 

To help you test things out and to reprint things you can use our barcode scanning page here. This page is intended for barcode scanning, however, you can enter an order number or shipment number into the barcode with a keyboard.

Select the printer you wish to print the label out from before entering the order number or shipment number. You can switch between order number and shipment number, at the bottom of the page by clicking the small cog and selecting either order or shipment number.