If you have a barcode scanner, you can use this to print labels on demand (when you scan a barcode containing a corresponding order or shipment number).

This can help avoid confusion about which label goes with which box in busy warehouses.

You can navigate to the barcode scanning page by clicking on the barcode scanner icon in the Dashboard.  Alternatively you can navigate to https://helm.shiptheory.com/shipments/barcode

You can also find this in the old dashboard here;

Towards the bottom of the barcode scanning page, you'll see a small cog, clicking on this will show some advanced settings.

Here you can select what your barcode contains:

  • Shipment number
  • Order number

Your barcode must contain either the Order Number or Shipment Number so that Shiptheory knows which to use to find the correct label to print. The barcode must ONLY contain either the Order Number OR Shipment Number.

When you scan a barcode that contains your order or shipment number it will cause the label for that shipment to be downloaded (Assuming a label has been generated for that shipment, ie. the shipment matched a rule and a carrier returned and produced a label)

If you have configured your printers with Shiptheory, you'll see next to the barcode scanning field a drop down box that allows you to select the printer to automatically print any scanned barcode's corresponding labels from.

Note: You can use any barcode reader/scanner, even the cheap ones, as long as they can read your barcodes. 

If you need help with barcode scanning or printing to a specific printer, just let us know