If you receive an email with the subject Error submitting usage report for company ... with the contents of the email looking like the below
There are various messages in these emails that come from Shiptheory, which will be covered below.
Error | Reasons why you might be seeing this | Next steps... |
company id missing subscription_id or price_id. Unprocessable | You may see this if the customer has a subscription in stripe which is not active, but has not been cancelled in Shiptheory. | Login to stripe and ensure the customers subscriptions is active, not cancelled. |
An error occurred when retrieving the subscription information from Stripe. The error was error | The subscription may no longer exist or we are having issues connecting to stripe to get the customers sub. | Check that the subscription exists and is running for this customer. Depending on the error, it could be temporary (like an outage) |
Negative usage calculated. Usage calculated was: error | Their usage has been calculated and resulted in a negative number. | Contact Dev with the amount they've shipped in their current cycle, this shouldn't be possible under normal circumstance. |
The company is on a usage-based plan, but does not have a stripe. subscription ID saved. A usage report cannot be submitted to Stripe without a valid subscription ID | The customer is on a usage based plan but the corresponding data in stripe was not created. | Check the subscription exists in stripe, then cancel and re-subscribe the customer to a plan. |
A subscription item could not be derived from the subscription information received from Stripe. It is possible that the subscription is not properly configured. | The customers subscription does not match the corresponding subscription plan in stripe. | Check the subscription exists in stripe, then cancel and re-subscribe the customer to a plan. |
An error occurred when creating the usage record in Stripe. The error was: error | We tried to update the companies subscription with the customers daily label usage. | Escalate the error, this could be something permanent like the plan being configured wrong or it could be a temporary connection issue |
Unable to save reported usage of number. This usage is likely to be reported to Stripe again. | For one reason or another, Shiptheory has been unable to save the customers usage. | Contact dev with the customers company id, the usage amount on the ticket |
A few of these errors will contain an error directly from stripe, check the error itself as it may contain some useful information as to why the error occurred. If you are unsure how to action the next steps or a specific kind of error from stripe is raising concerns then please escalate this as soon as possible.