When using the Shiptheory Print Client to automatically or manually print your labels, you may find that due to a printer/PC fault, the label won't actually print. However, it's now possible to have this information feed back into Shiptheory so that you can see from the Shiptheory dashboard whether an order has printed successfully or not.

Enabling Printer Feedback-

To enable printer feedback from the print client to the Shiptheory dashboard, you'll first want to head into your "Printing Configuration" page in your account:

Within this page, scroll down until you see "Printer Feedback", make sure that is set to "Yes":

What does enabling Printer Feedback do?

Once you've enabled Printer feedback, the Shiptheory dashboard will notify you of any failed print jobs. This may be that your printer itself has thrown an error, or perhaps that your print client was offline at the time the order booked and as such the print job will be marked as "expired" after 10 minutes if the print client is not turned on during this time. These orders will then display the status of "Print Error" in the Shiptheory dashboard. 

At a time when this happens, you'll want to ensure the print client is definitely active on your machine, see a useful guide on that here. And any issues with the printer are resolved. Once done, you should simply be able to try and reprint the order(s) in question:

How can I view my orders that have failed to print?

Any orders that have hit the "Print Error" status will still be available on the dashboard as needed, but it may be the case that you're wanting to only view a tab for orders that have failed to print. This is something that's possible with the Dashboard tab creator. Firstly, click to create a new tab as shown below:

You can of course name this tab whatever you wish, and add any further conditions add needed, but you'll want to ensure the "Print Error" status is ticked:

Once you've created this tab, you'll then be able to view and reprint shipments that have had an issue printing:

Of course, if you have any issues or questions with this functionality, or would like us to look into any specific print errors further for you, please Contact Support.