The setup to ensure that your WooCommerce can work with Shiptheory Inventory Management is quite simple; as there's luckily not a massive amount of configuration that needs to be done. The first step, of course, is to make sure that your WooCommerce store is successfully connected within Shiptheory:For some more information on connecting WooCommerce for the first time, please see here.
Within WooCommerce itself you don't need to configure multiple locations or any extensions. But rather, you'll have a "default location" in which your stock will be stored. The main configuration to be done in the WooCommerce side is ensuring that within your products, you're set to "Manage Stock":
Now that you've connected WooCommerce to Shiptheory and WooCommerce is set to manage your stock level, you're able to set up Shiptheory Inventory Management to work with your WooCommerce. The first step here is to head into Inventory Management and clock "Add New Warehouse":
As you can see below; after adding a New Warehouse to set up, you can select Woocommerce as the channel you'd like to work with, and the stock locations we saw previously are also there available to be selected (1). If your stock locations don't show, click on the "here" option to refresh your locations (2):
For a full guide on setting up Inventory Management with Shiptheory, please see here.
If you have any questions or issues from there, please Contact Support.