When using the CSV Import page to send orders or products to Shiptheory, you may encounter some issues trying to send orders successfully. In these scenarios, it's worth double-checking a few points;

Use Google Sheets

Upload your CSV to Google Sheets.  This has provided the most consistent results. Once done, download as CSV:

Use the Correct Headers

Line 1 needs to contain the correct headers, and your existing CSV may not have these by default. Using the References (pic) or templates from either the product or order upload page, copy these into your CSV in the appropriate column in line 1.

For example, in this CSV the value of the product should be value not price

Check for anomalies 

Check all your entries for unusual characters and mistakes. All of your columns should have the correct data pertaining to their header

Software such as Excel will often shorten long numbers, such as barcodes, resulting in this, which will need correcting: 

Remove unused columns

If an empty cell exists, it will overwrite what is in Shiptheory. 

For example, this line item will update all the attributes in the header, including commodity_composition. 

If you do not wish the field to be blank, you should remove the header. 

Reduce the amount of lines

If your uploads are failing or timing out, reduce the amount of lines per CSV, by breaking the CSV down into smaller chunks.

Avoid duplicates

Duplicate references (Order uploader only) or SKUs (Product Uploader only) will cause issues, please ensure there are none.

If you've checked all of these and are still having issues, please feel free to Contact Support.